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About the OTR Chamber

Our Mission

The mission of the Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce is to be the driving force for creating a strong economy while also promoting inclusivity, embracing diversity and celebrating originality. Our vision is for Over-the-Rhine to be a model neighborhood for inclusive urban revitalization.

Promoting Economic Vitality

We accomplish this through comprehensive marketing, signature events, business support programs, and safety and beautification initiatives.

The OTR Chamber was formed in 1985 as a 501(c)(6) organization. In 2000, we created the OTR Revitalization Corporation, a 501(c)(3), to tap into available grants and fiscal gifts. The organizations work hand in hand to bring resources, events, commerce, and awareness to our 360-acre neighborhood.

Marketing & Communications

The OTR Chamber also leads an annual holiday campaign, including special events. Year-round, it convenes Over-the-Rhine merchant associations on a monthly basis to better connect and cross promote regional business districts.

The Over-the-Rhine Chamber works to improve attitudes and perceptions about OTR, and increase the neighborhood's vibrancy. As the creator of signature events like the OTR Awards and Second Sunday on Main.  The OTR Chamber is responsible for bringing thousands of visitors and potential shoppers to the district.

Business Attraction & Retention

The Over-the-Rhine Chamber supports existing and potential businesses of OTR to grow sustainable businesses, increase employment opportunities, and energize the streets and sidewalks of OTR.

Safety Initiatives

The OTR Chamber develops initiatives in partnership with the City of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Police, business and property owners, residents, and its members and stakeholders to enhance the quality of life for the community. Quarterly safety meetings, attended by the Cincinnati Police and facilitated by the OTR Chamber, are solution-oriented meetings open to all OTR stakeholders to attend.


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