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Want to get involved?

The OTR Chamber staff can't do it alone.  Many motivated individuals who own businesses, live, and work in OTR serve on a variety of OTR Chamber Committees that assist the OTR Chamber staff.

Below are descriptions of each OTR Chamber Committee.

We are always searching for new committee members with a drive to help the OTR community.  If you are interested, contact us for more information.

Marketing/Events Committee

The OTRCC Marketing and Events Committee is responsible for promoting the Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce, its events, mission, vision and membership. The Marketing Committee shall be responsible for identifying economical means of positive promotion, through all media channels. The Marketing Committee will also assist with event promotion and execution for the OTR Made Awards, holidays and Second Sunday on Main.

Business Attraction and Retention Committee

The Business Attraction and Retention (BAR) Committee provides support to help the OTR Chamber meet its current attraction and retention goals. This includes reviewing and scoring the Business First Grant (attraction), and the Innovation Challenge Grant (retention) and continuously assessing the needs of the neighborhood, to ensure the Chamber is a good steward of grant funds. The Committee seeks to maintain a strong, sustainable businesses district, strengthen business operations and animate the streets and sidewalks of OTR.

Retail Committee

to be added

Nominating/Governance Committee

The OTRCC Nominating Committee shall be responsible for recommendations regarding positions on the Board of Directors, when deemed appropriate by the Board.  The Nominating Committee is responsible for researching the backgrounds and qualifications of individuals under consideration and shall present their non-biased research and if applicable recommendations to either the Executive Committee and / or the Full Board of Directors for appropriate action. The Nominating Committee will maintain and update the OTRCC Board Matrix as needed. The action taken on any Board appointment is at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall meet to review the Board of Directors composition prior to the annual meeting.

Governance looks for opportunities to strengthen and evolve the OTRCC Board’s effectiveness, capacity, composition, and ability to lead the organization into the future. Conducts regular reviews of the Board’s operating policies (conflict of interest, grievances, etc.) and by-laws.

Development Committee

The OTRCC Development Committee is responsible for overseeing the organization's overall fundraising efforts and the fundraising done by the Board. The Committee will work with the Executive Director to develop an action plan to meet funding goals for annual memberships, sponsorships and grants. The Committee will assist in developing and maintaining a list of potential funders to approach for OTRCC annual and event sponsorships, along with assigning Board members to fundraising outreach, including phone calls, email and in-person meetings with current and potential funders.




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